International Martial Arts Federation
Title: The 8th BEST OF THE BEST International Taekwondo Championship
The 8th 'BEST OF THE BEST' International Taekwondo championship will be hosted with information blow.
- Title of the Event: The 8th 'BEST OF THE BEST' International Taekwondo Championship
- Dates: from Sat. Jul. 18 to Sun. Jul. 19, 2015
- Venue: Sokcho Youth Training Center: Korea, Gangwon-do, Sockcho-si, Nohak-dong 973
- Hosted by: International Martial Arts Federation
- Directed by: Korea Black Belt Center
- Sponsored by: City of Sokcho, Chun Ahn Logistics, Yong-in Univ. Credit System of Martial Arts Department, Chungbuk Health & Science Univ. Dept. of Taekwondo Diplomacy, Seoul Hyundai College, Dept. of Police & Security, World Taekwon Skipping Rope Association, World Youth Taekwon Federation
International Martial Arts Federation
Superviser: Kang, Han Suck
Manager: Kang, Eun Young
President: Kang, Yoon Suck
Conduct: I.T.F. & K.B.B.C.(2015-01-001.)
Address : KBBC, 3rd FL, 126-2 Jungjadong, Bungdanggu, Sungnamshi, Gyunggido 463-834
Phone : 82-31-717-2853, 82-10-8805-1130 fax : 82-303-3130-1408 e-mail:
Team Award
1. The team which has the most number of participants in Sparring and Poomsae will receive a Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW 500,000.
* If a player competes in both sparring and Poomsae, he/she will still be considered as one participant.
2. Sparring Divisions and Awards:
There will be 6 divisions. Each division will be awarded
Children's Division C: born in 2007 and 2008
Children's Division B: born in 2005 and 2006
Children's Division A: born in 2003 and 2004
Middle School Division: born in 2000~2002
High School Division: born in 1997~1999
College & Adults Division: born in 1996 and older
1st Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW 300,000
2nd Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW 200,000
3rd Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW100,000
3. The Best Sparring Team Awards
1st Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW 1,000,000
2nd Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW 500,000
3rd Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW 300,000
4. The Poomsae Divisions and Awards
Children Division: born in 2003~2008
Middle School Division: born in 2000~2002
High School Division: born in 1997~1999
College & Adults Division : born in 1996 and older
1st Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW 300,000
2nd Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW 200,000
3rd Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW 100,000
5. The Poomsae Team Awards
1st Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW 800,000
2nd Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW 500,000
3rd Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW 300,000
Regulations of Team Awards
- Only Medal Points from league A will be counted for the team awards.
- If multiple teams have the same points of medals, the team with more gold medals will be awarded.
- If multiple teams have the same points, the team with more participants will be awarded.
- If multiple teams have the same points, and the number of participants, the team which has the youngest participant will be awarded.
5. The best 3 to 3 group sparring divisions and awards
Children C: born in 2007 and 2008
Children B: born in 2005 and 2006
Children A: born in 2003 and 2004
Middle School: born in 2000~2002
High School: born in 1997~1999
College & Adults: born in 1996 and older
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and Medal
The medal points of 3 to 3 group sparring competitions will be counted to the best sparring team awards.
There will be third place matches.
6. The best Taekwon-Dance awards
Junior Division: born in 2003 and younger
Senior Division: born in 2002 and older
1st place: Trophy, Medal, and KRW 300,000
2nd place: Trophy, Medal, and KRW 200,000
3rd place: Trophy, Medal, and KRW 100,000
Individual Awards
Sparring and Poomsae Competitions - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each division: Certificate of Awards and Medals.
The medal points in individual competitions from league will be counted.
1. Title : The 8th 'BEST OF THE BEST' International Taekwondo Championship
2. Dates : from Jul. 17 to 19, 2015 (Fri to Sun)
3. Venue : Sokcho Youth Training Center, Gangwon-do, Korea
4. Competition Outline
1) Competitors : Kinder, elementary, middle school, high school, college, and adult participants who can compete according to the Taekwondo rules.
2) Divisions : Individuals and Groups
3) Rules : Any colors of uniforms and belts are acceptable for the sparring competition.
- Individual competitors will follow World Taekwondo Federation(WTF) tournament rules.
- The Sparring competitions will be divided into league A and league B depends on coaches' decision.
Coaches should consider the abilities of each participant.
League A - All the league A competitors will use a KP&P(or DAEDO) Electronic Scoring System. Each participant's black belt certificate should be hold by themselves.
The medal points will be counted for the best team awards as follows.
Total Points
1st place: 7 points
2nd place: 3 points
3rd place: 1 points
The video replay system will be provided.
League B - There will be a maximum of 4 competitors in each division. The medal points from League B will not be counted for the best team awards (Electronic Scoring Systems will not be used for League B).
Color belts can also compete in League B.
4) Rounds :
Total 3 rounds, and each round will be 60 second with 30 second breaks.
In case of a tie score, the winner will be determined by a golden point round.
In case of the final round(5th), the winner won by referees' decisions must receive 2 out of 3 referee points.
5) 3 to 3 group sparring competition :
- The group sparring members must compete with the individual sparring competitors.
- The medal points from group competitions will also be counted for the best(?) team awards.
- Each group will have 3 competitors regardless of weight divisions.
- Teams will have more than one group.
- During the first round for each competitors, the each group sparring participants will compete in consecutive orders.
- For the rest of the matches, the competitors can be freely changed positions of competitions within the sparring group members.
- The replaced competitor must be in the match at least for 10 seconds.
- It will not be possible to change competitors 10 seconds before the match ended.
6) Weigh-In
All participants : Jul. 17,Fri by 11:00 or Jul. 18,Sat from 07:00a.m. to 10:00a.m.
Weigh-in is mandatory for all competitors. If a competitor does not do weigh-in, he/she will be disqualified from the competition. Male competitors will be allowed 300g over in their uniform pants. Female competitors will be allowed 500g over in their uniform pants and short-sleeves.
Weight Division
League A : You need your Black Belt Certificate of KUKKIWON
- There is no gender separation in competitions of Children C divisions.
However, there will be gender separations in Children B and Children A divisions.
- The medal ceremony will be performed after all the League A matches are finished.
- 7 points for a gold medal, 3 points for a silver medal, and 1 point for a bronze medal will be counted for the best sparring team awards.
| Children C | Children B | Children A | Middle School (born in 2000~2002) | High School, College(born in 1997~1999) & Adults(born in 1996 and older) |
born in 2007 and 2008 | born in 2005 and 2006 | born in 2003 and 2004
| female | male | female | male |
L-FIN | Under 19kg | Under 28kg | Under 30kg | - | - | - | - |
FIN | 19~21 | 28~30 | 30~33 | Under 42kg | Under 45kg | Under 46kg | Under 54kg |
FLY | 21~23 | 30~32 | 33~35 | 42~44 | 45~48 | 46~49 | 54~58 |
BANTAM | 23~25 | 32~34 | 35~37 | 44~46 | 48~51 | 49~53 | 58~63 |
FEATHER | 25~27 | 34~36 | 37~39 | 46~49 | 51~55 | 53~57 | 63~68 |
LIGHT | 27~29 | 36~38 | 39~41 | 49~52 | 55~59 | 57~62 | 68~74 |
L-WELTER | - | - | 41~44 | 52~55 | 59~63 | - | - |
WELTER | 29~32 | 38~40 | 44~47 | 55~59 | 63~68 | 62~67 | 74~80 |
L-MIDDLE | - | - | 47~50 | 59~63 | 68~73 | - | - |
MIDDLE | 32~35 | 40~43 | 50~53 | 63~68 | 73~78 | 67~73 | 80~87 |
L-HEAVY | - | - | 53~56 | - | - | - | - |
HEAVY | Over 35kg | Over 43kg | Over 56kg | Over 68kg | Over 78kg | Over 73kg | Over 87kg |
League B
-League B will have maximum of 4 competitors for each division. 1st, 2nd, and
two 3rd place.
-The medal points from league B will not be counted for the best team awards.
-The medal ceremony in league B will be performed right after the final matches of each division.
Age Division | Kinder (born in 2009 and youger) | Children | Middle School (born in 2001~2003) | High School, College(born in 1997~1999) & Adults(born in 1996 and older)
born in 2008 | born in 2007 | born in 2006 | born in 2005 | born in 2004 | born in 2003 | female | male | female | male |
FIN | Under 16kg | Under 20kg | Under 22kg | Under 24kg | Under 26kg | Under 30kg | Under 33kg | Under 42kg | Under 45kg | Under 46kg | Under 54kg |
FLY | 16-20 | 20-22 | 22-24 | 24-26 | 26-29 | 30-33 | 33-35 | 42~44 | 45~48 | 46~49 | 54~58 |
BANTAM | - | 22-24 | 24-26 | 26-29 | 29-32 | 33-36 | 35-37 | 44~46 | 48~51 | 49~53 | 58~63 |
FEATHER | 20-23 | 24-26 | 26-29 | 29-32 | 32-35 | 36-40 | 37-39 | 46~49 | 51~55 | 53~57 | 63~68 |
LIGHT | - | 26-29 | 29-32 | 32-36 | 35-38 | 40-44 | 39-41 | 49~52 | 55~59 | 57~62 | 68~74 |
L-WELTER | - | - | - | - | - | - | 41-44 | 52~55 | 59~63 | - | - |
WELTER | 23-26 | 29-33 | 32-35 | 36-39 | 38-42 | 44-48 | 44-47 | 55~59 | 63~68 | 62~67 | 74~80 |
L-MIDDLE | - | - | - | - | - | - | 47-50 | 59~63 | 68~73 | - | - |
MIDDLE | 26-30 | 33-37 | 35-38 | 39-44 | 42-47 | 48-52 | 50-53 | 63~68 | 73~78 | 67~73 | 80~87 |
L-HEAVY | | - | - | - | - | - | 53-56 | | | - | - |
HEAVY | 30kg & Over | 37kg & Over | 38kg & Over | 44kg & Over | 47kg & Over | 52kg & Over | 56kg & Over | Over 68kg | Over 78kg | Over 73kg | Over 87kg |
1. Point system in the Poomsae competition.
Black belt competitors and color belt competitors will perform in separate divisions.
We will be using Automatic Computer System for only League A.
League A
- There will be age divisions in league A.
- The points of medals from 4 divisions: Children, Middle school, High school, College, and Adults will be counted for the best team awards
1st place : 7 points
2nd place: 3 points
3rd place: 1 points
League B
- The medal points of Poomsae competitions from league B will not be counted for the best team awards.
- League B will have a maximum of 4 competitors in each division.
- 1st, 2nd, and two 3rd place winners will be awarded right after finishing their final competitions.
- Two competitors will perform at the same time and the winner will be determined by having at least 2 out of 3 referee points.
- Color belt competitors will participate in League B competitions.
Poomsae Outline
Division | Ages | Black belt competitors | Color belt competitors |
Kinder | born in 2009 and younger | Semi-finals: Taegeuk 4 & 7 Finals: Taegeuk 8 & Koryo | Semi-finals: Taegeuk 1 Finals: Taegeuk 3 |
Children | born in 2008 |
born in 2007 |
born in 2006 |
born in 2005 |
born in 2004 |
born in 2003 |
Middle School(F/M) | born in 2000~2002 |
High School(F/M) | born in 1997~1999 |
College & Adults | born in 1996 & older |
Taekwon-Dance Competition |
1. Taekwon-Dance Competition
1) To compete in the Taekwon-Dance competition, the team members must compete in the Poomsae or Sparring competitions. There should be 10 or fewer members in a Taekwon-Dance team.
Junior Team: born in 2003 and younger
Senior Team: born in 2002 and older
2) Trophy, Certificate of Award, Medal, and prize money will be awarded.
3) Bring your own music : The CD must be submitted before the competition.
4) Rules :
- Teams can wear any kinds of uniforms or attires for the performance.
- Time limit: 3 minutes. There will be penalty if time exceeds - 5 points will be subtracted for every additional 10 seconds.
- The performance may show free __EXPRESSION__ based on martial arts movements.
5) Scores will be reflected based on synchronization, accuracy, variety, and punctuality.
6) There will be 5 referees, and the highest and the lowest scores will be excluded from the average scores.
7) The medal points from Taekwon-Dance competition will not be counted to the best team awards.
8) The best Taekwon-Dance team awards
1st place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, Medal, and KRW 300,000
2nd place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, Medal, and KRW 200,000
3rd place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, Medal, and KRW 100,000
1) Registration Deadlines : By Friday, July 3, 2015 ~22:00
E-mail registration
The Excel file of registration form and the official document file of the Championship are attached to the Notice on our website,
Bundang Black belt Center, 3rd FL. Jungja Plaza, 126-2 Jungja-dong, Bundang-gu, Sungnam-shi, Gyeonggi-do, 463-090
) 82-70-7767-5222 FAX) 82-303-3130-1408
* No registration will be available after the due date.
2) Representatives meeting : July 3, 2015 (14:00). Korea Black Belt Center, Bundang.
3) Submission : Entry Form (will be downloaded in our website,
4) Individual Equipment : Uniforms (short-sleeves and shorts are not allowed), belt (black belts of young competitors are allowed), headgear, forearm pads, shin and instep pads, groin cup, and mouthpiece.
5) Details
- We are not responsible for any injuries during the competitions.
- In principal, each team must have its own insurance contract.
- You have to follow our decision if something not mentioned in the rule book happens.
- More details may be changed or decided in a representatives' meeting.
- A T-shirt will be provided for each participant.
6) Registration Fees
- Individual Sparring or Poomsae competition : $25
(For participating in both sparring and poomsae competitons : $35, providing only one t-shirt)
- 3 to 3 group Sparring : $50
- Taekwon-Dance : $50
7) Expenses
- Bus service to Sokcho at 14:00 on Jul. 17 at the Incheon International Airport
- Meals, Accomodations, and sightseeing during the period time of staying in Sokcho
- Bus service from Sokcho at 09:00 on Jul. 21 to Incheon International Airport, Seoul, or Chuncheon - Will be able to pick one place among them.
Total Expenses: $380
Bank Account : NH 301-0151-1250-71 International Martial Arts Federation
Please download and fill out the entry form on our website,
You must have your own insurance. We are not responsible for any injuries.
We only provide chest protectors and electronic foot gear. Competitors must bring other equipments.
17th | 1. departure at 14:00 in Incheon International Airport | 2. Arrival at the hotel near Mt. Seorak | 3.Weigh-In right after arrival |
18th | 1. Weigh-In 07:00am~10:00am | 2. Competitions begin at 9:00AM | 3. The individual sparring and the Poomsae competitions will be done up to quarterfinals. |
19th | 1. Competitions begin at 9:00AM | 2. Semi-Finals and Finals for the rest of sparring and poomsae competitions. | 3. Finishing all competitions and performing all awards to winners. |
20th | 1. Temple(Shinheungsa) visiting in the morning, Sokcho beach in the afternoon | 2. Sightseeing (beaches and lakes) | |
21st | 1. Leaving Sokcho at 9:00AM | 2. departure to Seoul, Incheon, or Chuncheon | Arrival time in Chuncheon: 10:30 Arrival time in Incheon: 13:00 |
This championship is a friendly competition hosted by International Martial Arts Federation, which is irrelevant to WTF.
The City of Sokcho is about 2 and half hours away from Seoul, and 1 hour away from Chuncheon.
Sokcho is the foremost tourist attractions in Korea, with one of the most famous mountains in Korea- Seorak mountain -, beautiful beaches and lakes.
There will be Korea Open International Taekwondo Championships hosted by WTF from July 22, 2015 in Chuncheon.
International Martial Arts Federation will do the best to prepare everything for every participants.
If you have any questions or anything needed, please find out more information on face book: KOREA BLACK BELT CENTER, or leave messages on the free bulletin board on our website,
Non Korean contact:
phone: 82-10-7277-8256
Sam, Kim